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Off Campus Writers' Workshop - OCWW

PLEASE NOTE: Workshops are in Central time. All sessions are recorded and available to view for the week following the session; links to the recordings are e-mailed to all registrants. It's not necessary to notify us if you wish to change your  attendance to either REMOTE or ONSITE; all registrants receive both the link to the session and the link to the recording.

Upcoming events

    • March 27, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    In popular fiction, character is just as important as in literary fiction—but one story may not be enough. In this session, we will discuss the unique demands of popular fiction and introduce the array of characters who populate stories that rely on discovery or suspense—some of them very shady, indeed. Who should lead the story? What do heroes and villains have in common? Who are the people required to build out your protagonist’s world and make readers believe— and worry?

    Lori Rader-Day is the Edgar Award-nominated and Agatha, Anthony, and Mary Higgins Clark award-winning author of The Death of UsDeath at GreenwayThe Lucky One, Under a Dark Sky, and others. Lori lives in Chicago, where she co-chairs the crime fiction readers’ event Midwest Mystery Conference and teaches creative writing at Northwestern University. Her next novel, Wreck Your Heart, featuring a wannabe country singer, will be released from Minotaur/SMPG in winter 2026. Visit her website for more info.  

    • April 03, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    In this session, we'll talk about the challenges of the sestina form and how we might overcome them by thinking like architects/builders. When the sestina becomes a multi-roomed space, when we break the long and intimidating form into manageable parts, we enable ourselves to focus on each smaller part of the whole with a heightened attention to narrative, movement, and surprise. This is meant to be a generative workshop, in which students will leave the course with the beginnings of a sestina written. 

    Taylor Byas, Ph.D. (she/her) is a Black Chicago native currently living in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she is a Features Editor for The Rumpus, a Poetry Acquisitions Editor for Variant Literature, an Editorial Board Member for Beloit Poetry Journal, and an Editorial Advisor for Jackleg Press. She is the author of two chapbooks, her debut full-length, I Done Clicked My Heels Three Times, from Soft Skull Press, which won the 2023 Maya Angelou Book Award and the 2023 Chicago Review of Books Award in Poetry, and Resting Bitch Face, forthcoming in Fall of 2025. She is also a coeditor of The Southern Poetry Anthology, Vol X: Alabama from Texas Review Press, and of Poemhood: Our Black Revival, a YA anthology on Black folklore from HarperCollins.

    • April 10, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    From the moment we learn to read and write, we know that the alphabet is fundamental. Then these standard characters representing particular sounds in spoken language tend to disappear into the background as we go on to deal with bigger writerly concerns. But the alphabet is also fun and can be an illuminating and playful way to organize any literary project be it short or long. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how the abecedarian format can be applied across all genres to bring new ideas, themes, characters, and settings to light. By looking at—and experimenting with—the application of the alphabet in poems, memoirs, essays, and even fiction, we’ll discover how sometimes using a strict and familiar constraint can create freedom and take your work in a direction you wouldn't expect.

    Kathleen will judge a Three Paragraph Writing Contest. Please see the Manuscript and Contest Page on our website.

    Kathleen Rooney is a founding editor of Rose Metal Press, a nonprofit publisher of literary work in hybrid genres, and a founding member of Poems While You Wait, a team of poets and their typewriters who compose commissioned poetry on demand. She is the author of the novels Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk and Cher Ami and Major Whittlesey, and her latest poetry collection Where Are the Snows, winner of the XJ Kennedy Prize, was released in Fall of 2022 by Texas Review Press. Her latest novel, From Dust to Stardust, came out in September 2023, and her first children's book, Leaf Town Forever, co-written with her sister Beth Rooney, is forthcoming from University of Minnesota Press. She lives in Chicago and teaches at DePaul.

    • April 17, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    In this lecture we will explore plot. Is it simply the unfolding of events? Is it driven by character or by the author? We will analyze different forms of plot, how plots vary among cultures, and how we can harness these variations and differences to create a plot that is organic to our own story.

    Frances de Pontes Peebles is the author of the award-winning novels The Seamstress and The Air You Breathe. She is a 2020 Creative Writing Fellow in Literature from The National Endowment for the Arts. A native of Pernambuco, Brazil, she holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Her short stories have appeared in O. Henry Prize StoriesZoetrope: All-StoryMissouri ReviewIndiana Review, and Guernica. She teaches at StoryStudio and serves as Visiting Associate Professor of Fiction at the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop.

    • April 24, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    The most beloved characters of our time all have one trait in common: they let the reader experience their interior worlds, with all of the darkness, the strangeness, the confusion and the shame. It's not that the writers linger in these places (it would be breathtakingly challenging to read too much of it!) but these moments allow us to identify with the character and to be drawn ever deeper into the work. 

    Many writers use special techniques to indicate that such moments are approaching. We will be examining a variety of these methods and testing out which are most effective. Stand aside, John Gardner. We all need more information than was provided in your essay on psychic distance!

    Goldie Goldbloom is a writer, teacher and editor, author of four internationally award-winning books of fiction, most recently On Division (winner of the Prix des Libraires in France), and many articles, short stories and essays that have appeared around the world. For over fifteen years, she was on the faculty at Northwestern University and/ or the University of Chicago. She currently runs a developmental editing service for best-selling authors, celebrities and talented writers from all walks of life. She is the mother of eight children and an LGBTQ activist.

    • May 01, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    Every year, the venerable Best American Short Stories series picks their top 20 pieces of short fiction that appeared in publications ranging from the smallest MFA-program lit mags to the white whale that is The New Yorker. In this session, writer Steve Trumpeter will discuss a few examples from recent editions and identify what makes those stories “the best” (for better or worse). In so doing, we’ll discover some strategies for making our own work unique and resonant and talk about what can help our stories stand out in the slush pile.

    Steve Trumpeter is a writer, artist, and musician from Chicago. His recent fiction has appeared in The Southern ReviewSalamanderAmerican FictionChicago Quarterly Review and others. He was a finalist for the Chicago Tribune’s Nelson Algren Award and took 2nd place in Zoetrope: All-Story’s 2019 fiction contest. He teaches creative writing classes at StoryStudio Chicago.  Discover his stories, paintings, music, and more here  

    • May 08, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

    A micro memoir is a true story that fits in a small space (a page or two). They are delicious to read, but devilishly difficult to write. Every word matters, as in a poem, and your story-telling skills must be on point—there’s nowhere to hide. In this content-rich class, we’ll examine the special techniques required by this form. We’ll share publishing tips. And, I’ll offer an in-class exercise to jump-start your new micro practice.

    Heather Sellers is the author of a new textbook, How to Make Poems. Field Notes from the Flood Zone and The Present State of the Garden are her two most recent collections of poetry. Her textbook, The Practice of Creative Writingis in its fourth edition, following two books on craft, Page After Page and Chapter After Chapter. Her collection of linked short stories is Georgia Under Water, and a memoir, You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know, was featured in O, the Oprah Magazine and is an O  Book-of-the Month club pick and Editor’s Choice at the New York Times. Recent essays appear in The New York Times, Reader’s Digest, Real Simple, Good Housekeeping, The Sun, and O, the Oprah Magazine. Her essay “Haywire” was selected for the Best American Essays by Leslie Jamison, and “Pedal, Pedal, Pedal” won a Pushcart Prize. She regularly speaks to audiences about prosopagnosia (face blindness), most recently at NASA. Sellers directs the writing program at the University of South Florida.  

    • May 15, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    “Once the work is done, it’s not yours anymore,” wrote Frank Chimero. “If the thing you make goes anywhere, it’s because other people carried it.” 

    The choice of if, when, and how to share our work with others is a deeply personal decision, both terrifying and exhilarating. How do you make that choice? And once it’s made, what do you… do?

    This session reframes publication as a vital and informative part of the writing practice, as opposed to rejection/acceptance roulette. How can our unique publication goals influence the rewriting process? How does the consideration of a wider audience take our work to the next level and when should we leave those (scary and often very loud) outside voices at the door? And how can we demystify the nuts-and-bolts of submitting—finding the right literary journals, writing a solid cover letter, connecting with editors—and get back to what we’re all here to do: carry each other’s stories.

    Megan Stielstra is the author of three collections: Everyone Remain Calm, Once I Was Cool, and The Wrong Way to Save Your Life. Her work appears in Best American EssaysNew York TimesThe BelieverTin House, and on National Public Radio. She teaches creative nonfiction at Northwestern University and is an editor-at-large at Northwestern University Press.

    • May 22, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    You may be writing a novel and / or writing short stories. A third option of story is gaining popularity: the Novel in Stories. 

    We will look at literary examples to explore ways to deepen the interconnectedness of your novel-in-stories by focusing on recurring characters, themes, and timelines.

    Abby Geni is the author of The WildlandsThe LightkeepersThe Last Animal, and a short story collection, The Body Farm. Her books have been translated into seven languages and have won the Barnes & Noble Discover Award and the Chicago Review of Books Awards, among other honors. Her short stories have won first place in the Glimmer Train Fiction Open and the Chautauqua Contest and have been published or are forthcoming in numerous journals, including The Missouri Review, Epoch, Ninth Letter, and New Stories from the Midwest. Geni is a faculty member at StoryStudio Chicago and frequently serves as Visiting Associate Professor of Fiction at the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop.

    • May 29, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE

    Christine Maui Rice 

    Christine’s novel, Swarm Theory, was called "a gripping work of Midwest Gothic" by NPR and won numerous awards. Christine was included in New City's Lit 50: Who Really Books in Chicago and named One of 30 Writers to Watch by Chicago's Guild Complex. Most recently, her short stories, essays, and interviews have appeared in Allium, Make Literary MagazineThe RumpusMcSweeney's Internet TendencyThe MillionsRoanoke ReviewThe Literary Review, among others. Christine is the founder and editor of Hypertext Magazine and is an Assistant Professor of English at Valparaiso University. Her novel, based on the Flint water crisis, will be published in 2026.

    Kira Tucker  is a poet and artist from Memphis. The 2024-2025 Artist in Residence in Creative Writing at Northwestern, Kira is an Associate Agent with the Shipman Agency and the current Assistant Managing Editor for TriQuarterly. Their poems appear in The Iowa Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Jazz & Culture, and elsewhere. Kira is also at work on a hopeful debut collection—a poetic investigation spanning the mythos of the American Dream and the landscapes of our collective unconscious.

    John McCarthy is the author of Scared Violent Like Horses (Milkweed Editions, 2019), which won the Jake Adam York Prize; and Ghost County (Midwestern Gothic Press, 2016). His poems have appeared in 32 Poems, Best New Poets, Cincinnati Review, Gettysburg Review, North American ReviewPleiades, and Quarterly West, among others. John is the Managing Editor of RHINO.

    Laura Joyce Hubbard's nonfiction and poetry appear in Poetry, The Iowa Review, The Sewanee Review, the Chicago Tribune and elsewhere. Laura’s poetry manuscript was a recent semifinalist in Copper Nickel and Milkweed Edition’s Jake Adam York Prize. Writing awards include winner of The Iowa Review’s Veteran Writing Award, winner of the 2023 Porch Prize in Poetry, winner of the 2021 Nonfiction Contest at Southeast Review, and winner of the Individual Poem Prize (2021) and Essay Prize (2020) in the William Faulkner Pirate’s Alley Writing Competition. Her nonfiction was selected as a “Notable” in the Best American Essays 2022 and 2023 and won an AWP Intro Journal Award (2023). Laura’s work has been supported by the Ragdale Foundation, the Fine Arts Work Center, and the National Endowment for the Arts with a residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She is a veteran US Air Force pilot, a fiction editor for TriQuarterly, an MFA candidate at Northwestern University, and currently the inaugural Highland Park Poet Laureate.

    • June 05, 2025
    • 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
    • ONSITE - 620 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, IL /REMOTE


    In a society so fully bent toward production at all costs, we should remember, as art critic David Sylvester once said, “Artists must be allowed to get into a mess.” As we consider how we might listen, slow down, and make a mess in support of our own work, we’ll take our inspiration from writers like Jon Fosse and Gayle Jones, who write as if it were an act of listening, and the painter Mark Bradford who said, “I pillage my own work. I tear it down and build it up in traces.” Guided analytical and inquiry-based discussions and writing activities will encourage writers to build a sustainable writing practice that embraces both their own artistic impulses and the material worlds in which they live. 

    Michael Zapata is a founding editor of MAKE Literary Magazine and the author of the novel The Lost Book of Adana Moreau, winner of the 2020 Chicago Review of Books Award for Fiction, finalist for the 2020 Heartland Booksellers Award in Fiction, and a Best Book of the Year for NPR, the A.V. Club, Los Angeles Public Library, and BookPage, among others. He is on the faculty of StoryStudio Chicago and the MFA faculty of Northwestern University. As a public-school educator, he taught literature and writing in high schools servicing drop-out students. He currently lives in Chicago with his family.

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September 07-21, 2023 

Fred Shafer - Reading Like a Reader - 3 Sessions

September 28, 2023

Dana Kaye - Growing an Engaged Community of Readers

October 05, 2023 

Rebecca Makkai - Can't Go Over It, Can't Go Under It

October 12, 2023

Julia Fine - Landscape and Worldbuilding

October 19, 2023

Susanna Calkins - Red Herrings, Misdirection, and Other Ways to Deceive Your Readers 

October 26, 2023

Goldie Goldbloom - The God Head: Generating rich worlds and characters.

November 02, 2023

Diana Goetsch - ACTUALLY WRITING: The Outer, Inner, and Secret Practice

November 09, 2023

Kelly McMasters - Food and Memory

November 16, 2023

Lori Rader Day - Writing the White Whale

November 30, 2023

Juan Martinez - Dirty Tricks: Five Ways to Jumpstart Your Work

December 07, 2023

Sarah Stern - Discovering Your Poem's True Intention: Inspiration and Revision

December 14, 2023

Publishing Panel

December 21, 2023

Sandra Scofield - The Heart of Narrative: The Scene

January 04, 2024

Nadine Kenney Johnstone - Micro-Memoir (Tiny True Stories)

January 11, 2024

Heather Sellers - How to Write What Scares You (Without Scaring Away Your Readers)

January 18, 2024

Jeannie Vanasco - Tuning the Telling in Memoir

January 25, 2024

Denny Bryce - Writing Dual/Multiple Timelines

February 01, 2024

Mary Robinette Kowal - Unlocking Story Structure Using the MICE Quotient

February 08, 2024

Suzanne Nugent - The Path to Production: Adapting Your Novel for Screen

February 15, 2024

Mary Otis - More Than a Feeling: Emotion in Fiction

February 22, 2024

Brian Turner - The Lyric Nature of Science

February 29, 2024

Kate McKean - All About Literary Agents and Do You Need One? 

March 07, 2024

Steve Almond - How to Craft an Irresistible Narrator

March 14, 2024

Kathleen Rooney - Using Visual Art Techniques to Revolutionize Your Writing

March 21, 2024

Vu Tran - Is It What It Is?: The Bad and the Good In Cliché

March 28, 2024

Michelle Hoover - Discover Your Ending

April 04, 2024

Dipika Mukherjee - Creating New Imagery from Old Memories: Writing about Journeys

April 11, 2024

Amanda Goldblatt - Writing the Now: Literary Response to the Current Moment 

April 18, 2024   

Frances DePontes Peebles - Flashbacks that Propel a Story

April 25, 2024

Christina Clancy - Radical Revision 

May 02, 2024

Mary Anne Mohanraj - Structures that Support Your Writing and Publication

May 09, 2024

Charles Baxter: Dramatic Interventions: The Request Moment

May 16, 2024

Michael Zapata - Choosing Your Realities: Narrative Distance and POV

May 23, 2024

Hollie Smurthwaite – The Alchemy of Chemistry: How to Write a Romantic Thread  

May 30, 2024

Abby Geni – Writing the Short Story Collection

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